
Showing posts from October, 2020

Transitions in Marriage

For this week’s class, we discussed the different transitions that can come into the marriage. With the view of a marriage, there are times that the wedding event can become more important than the marriage itself. Though I still have yet to find that special someone to marry, it saddens me that people make the wedding event such a big deal that they might forget the reason this celebration is occurring. If it were up to me, I would not mind if a wedding party did not even take place. I am speaking negatively about this, but even a small celebration would suffice for me. I am not big into having huge gatherings when it comes to events. When I get married in the temple, that is the only memory that I would like to hold onto throughout my marriage. Of course, I also want to remember the days that my children come into the world as well. The point that I am making here is that some memories are more precious than others. It shocks me to learn just how much the average wedding costs to put...

Preparing For Marriage

In this week’s class, we covered in much detail that of dating and also learned about love as well. Ever since I was a kid, I have always and still do have a close relationship with my mother. I cannot imagine my life any different than what I have now, my mother truly has been an inspiration to me. One memory that I had about love having a secret crush on a girl who I think was in the first grade, I was in kindergarten. At the time, I don’t think I knew what a crush was, but I do remember that she was pretty. It has been so long ago that I cannot picture her in my mind, but I think she had either blonde or red hair. Though I still have yet to experience love in a marriage relationship, I do have a love for my friends and family. One friend I had growing up was always happy when I came over to his house to play, but when it came time to leave, he would throw a fit because he did not want to say goodbye to me. To this day I do not know what has become of him, and there are times that I ...

Gender and Family Life

For this week’s class lecture what we discussed in Family Relations pertains to both gender and family life. For most of my life growing up, I had a fairly calm childhood. In today’s world, having to hear that there are people out there who express that they are attracted to the same gender as they have raised questions in my mind. I cannot begin to fathom how someone develops these kinds of relationships. The principle that I had learned in my family was that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman as expressed in The Family Proclamation. This is a touchy subject for me to write about, and I hope that no one takes offense to the words that I write in this blog. In my experience as far as gender goes, I love having friends who are the same gender as me, but that does not mean that I am sexually attracted to them in any way. I do have one experience that was quite shocking to me that I would be tempted that way. It was during this time that I was in my sixth area on my miss...

Social Class and Culture

With learning about social class and culture this week, it is quite interesting to see that we do have social classes that distinguish people from each other. I believe that some people try to not think about there being a social class, but it’s hard to ignore when pictures are depicting people and what they were as well as the type of neighborhood they live in. From personal experience, my family and I may not have been as rich as other people, but we have enough to sustain us. As the youngest of five children, I am truly grateful for all that my mother has done to provide for us. Not only is the nurturer, but she was also the provider for us as well. Though as a child I did not think a lot about what must have been going through my mother’s mind but thinking back to it, I know that my mother was doing the best that she knew how. My mother has been a fine example of raising me in a culture that has brought me so many blessings. Growing up in the church at first was routine because my ...

Family Systems Theory

For this week of class, we learned about different theories that are found within the family system. The theories mentioned are exchange, symbolic interaction, and conflict. In exchange theory, the relationships that people tend to want to have higher rewards but lower costs. If a relationship reaches the point where it is bringing more costs than reward, then it’s likely that the relationship will end. From personal experience, this would be problematic in my family. It would be nice to have a relationship that has more rewards than costs, but if this were the case, then how would a family learn to grow together. Sometimes it’s better to sacrifice when it comes to the benefit of your family rather than satisfying your own needs. I’m not saying that rewards are not good to have, but rather they should not take precedence over the costs that help your family. One instance of the exchange theory that I have experienced in life was being paid money for getting good grades in high school. ...